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Opportunities for Summer 2020

This page is up-dated as we receive notice of REUs (Research Experiences for Undergraduates, or internship opportunities) for (primarily summer) 2020. Please click on the link in the “program” column to visit the program’s webpage and learn about the research program and application process.

Remember that many opportunities are offered each year by the same institutions. If you are interested in a particular research opportunity offered in a prior year, visit their website and see if it’s being offered again this year. Additionally, you can check research opportunity listings from the link on the School of Science homepage.

Institution/Program Field/Area Location Application Deadline
RowanGSBS SummerUndergrad Res Experience biomedical sciences Stratford, NJ 2/15/20
Harvard Forest Summer Research ecology and environmental studies Petersham, MA 2/7/20
Univ of Delaware REU Marine Science marine science Lewes, DE 2/7/20
Cary Inst of Ecosystem Studies REU translational ecology Millbrook NY 1/24/20
Summer Program in Neuroscience neuroscience research Boston U School of Med 2/28/20
ARCHES medical research prgm research, prep for med school Georgetown Univ, Wash DC 2/26/20
SURF Prgm (Summer Undergrad Research Fellowship) REU pharmaceutical & environmental health sciences Rutgers University, NJ 2/1/20
Plant Genomics Summer Internship plant biology Michigan State University 2/10/20
Sloan Kettering Undergrad Research biomedical sciences NYC 2/3/20
Broad Institute Summer Research biomed and genomics research Cambridge, MA was 1/13/20; extended?
D&R Greenway Land Trust plant care and invasives management Princeton, NJ 3/15/20
American Littoral Society Internships marine life and habitat work Sandy Hook, NJ 3/15/20
Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy (CMERA) summer shark and ray field research Clearwater, FL 3/15/20
