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Faculty Research in Biology

The Faculty in the TCNJ Biology Department are amazing, accomplished Teacher-Scholars, who not only teach in our classrooms and labs, but are also engaged in research, most often with student collaborators. Here is information on what research our faculty are engaged in, and what tools and techniques are employed in their labs.

Professor Luke Butler, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques Used
  1. Ecophysiology of birds, with a focus on seasonal and annual cycles
  2. Effects of natural and human-caused disturbances on wild birds
  1. Field work
  2. Lab work
  3. Behavioral analysis
A small bird.

Professor Wendy Clement, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques Used
  • Evolution of plant diversity using phylogenomics
  • Evolution of fusion in honeysuckles
  • Plant-insect interactions among plants, pollinators, and their herbivores
  • Lab work and microscopy
  • Genomics and bioinformatics (using the TCNJ high performance computing cluster)
  • Field work and studies of natural history specimens
a red flower.

Professor Gary Dickinson, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques Used
  1. Marine animal physiology
  2. Structural biology and biomechanics
  3. Biological responses to climate change


  1. Microscopy
  2. Biomechanical testing
  3. Larval biology
A diagram depicting where crabs live.

Professor Curt Elderkin, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used

Professor KT Elliott, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Bacterial genetics
  • Ribosomal RNA
  • Large mutations
  • Molecular biology
  • Microbiology
Computer measurement graph.

Professor Jeffery Erickson, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Maturation of cardiorespiratory control in neonatal animals
  • Role of serotonin in cardiorespiratory maturation
  • Serotonin-deficient animal models for SIDS
  • Whole-animal measurement of breathing and heart rate
  • Electrophysiological measurement of neural circuits
  • Immunohistochemistry
Diagrams of a tool used with a mouse.

Professor Tracy Kress, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Regulation of gene expression using bakers yeast as a model organism
  • Coupling between transcription and RNA processing
  • Functions for prion-like proteins in regulating RNA splicing
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
Diagram showing a model of coupling RNA processing.

Professor Donald Lovett, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Osmoregulation in crabs
  • Gene expression
  • Physiology
  • Gene expression
  • Molecular biology
a crab.

Professor Sudhir Nayak, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Genetics
  • Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genetics
  • Molecular biology
  • Bioinformatics
a spreadsheet full of numbers.

Professor Marcia O’Connell, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Embryogenesis in zebrafish
  • Maternal control of early development
  • Translational control of development
  • Embryo manipulation and microinjection
  • Molecular biology
a microorganism.

Professor Keith Pecor, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Ecology
  • Behavior
  • Fieldwork
  • Lab work
  • Surveys
Quality of life changes for people with ADHD and ASD.

Professor Nina Peel, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Regulation of microtubules by the post-translational modification glutamylation
  • The redundancy of function among the five glutamylating TTLL enzymes
  • The functions of the deglutamylating enzyme CCPP-1 in non-neuronal cells
  • Genetics
  • Microscopy
  • Molecular biology
Microscopic images.

Professor Howard Reinert, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Ecology
  • Herpetology
  • Conservation biology
  • Radio telemetry
  • Field work
a snake in grass and leaves.

Professor Leeann Thornton, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Plant responses to environmental stress, such as heat, drought, cold, and insect attack
  • Genetic regulation of enzymes that help plants acclimate to environmental stress
  • Understanding the biological mechanisms of plant stress so that we can predict what food crop varieties are more likely to do well in adverse climate conditions
  • Plant growth experiments, comparing normal plants to ones missing certain genes
  • DNA and RNA extraction and PCR to study gene regulation (molecular biology)
  • Protein structure and function (biochemistry and computational biology)
rows of rice growing indoors.

Professor Matthew Wund, PhD

Research Interests Tools and Techniques used
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Animal behavior
  • Animal behavior experiments
  • Morphological measurements
a tank with fish in it.


