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Beta Beta Beta (or Tri-Beta) Biology Honor Society
“Tri-Beta” is the casual name of the national biology honor society, Beta Beta Beta, and our chapter functions both as an honor society and a service organization for students in the biological sciences. Its main objectives are to promote scholarship in the biological sciences, to promote dissemination of biological knowledge and to encourage research. Activities hosted by Tri-Beta are open to all majors, and include white-water rafting, informational parties, picnics and other recreational activities. Tri-Beta also hosts the annual “Meet the Professors” event. The organizational also facilitates interaction between students and faculty on an informal basis, and introduces students to postgraduate options in the biological field. The faculty co-advisors to the society are Dr. Nina Peel and Dr. Gary Dickinson. Enjoy this article about Tri-Beta as published on the School of Science website.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
The TCNJ chapter of the ASBMB is a new organization, formed to raise an interest in biochemistry and molecular biology, and to facilitate an environment that brings like-minded undergraduate students together to network, socialize and engage in various STEM activities on and off-campus, including attendance at regional and national meetings, webinars, science advocacy and K-12 STEM education outreach. Open to all students interested in biochem or molecular bio, the faculty advisors are Dr. Danielle Guarracino in Chemistry (, and Dr. Zaara Sarwar in Biology ( For more information, email
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
The American Medical Student Association aids and encourages students interested in careers in medical, veterinary, dental, and health-related fields such as optometry, physical therapy, pharmacy, podiatry, and the basic medical sciences. The club works in concert with the Medical Careers Advisory Committee (composed of six faculty) to provide information about applications, pre-professional exams, (e.g. MCAT, DAT, OAT, and GRE), interviews, admissions, relevant part-time and co-op employment, and financial aid. It organizes guest lectures, offers field trips, and fosters cooperation among those students considering professional careers. Dr. Sudhir Nayak is the faculty advisor. Enjoy this piece about AMSA as published on the School of Science website.
Pre-Dental Club
If you’re interested in pursuing a career in dentistry, then the Pre-Dental Club is for you: an organization which offers students information about and exposure to careers in the dental field. By inviting administrators from dental schools, current dental students, and other speakers from dental-related fields, this club seeks to provide students with the resources to apply to and pursue a career in a dental health-related field. Dr. Caroline Borges in Public Health serves as the faculty advisor. For more information about the club, please send an email to:, or visit their website.
Pre-Veterinary Club
The Pre-Vet group provides information about and awareness of veterinary science for those students considering a veterinary career; to provide access to a network of veterinary professionals for the purposes of education and experiential learning; and to assist students in the process of preparing for a career in veterinary science. Dr. Keith Pecor is the faculty advisor. For further information, come to a meeting and check us out!
AZ (BS/MD) Club
AZ (formerly “Alpha Zeta,” but NOT a Greek organization) is a student group consisting of the participants in the Seven-Year Articulation Program with UMDNJ-NJ Medical School. Its intent is to help with the transition to medical school, and provides support, information and social networking opportunities for its members. Dr. Nayak is the faculty advisor of this club.
Neuroscience Journal Club
The Neuroscience Journal Club considers a broad range of topics in the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience through the review and discussion of current papers. Dr. Jeffery Erickson of the Biology Department and Dr. Andrew Leynes of the Psychology Department serve as the faculty advisors. Meetings are held on alternate Friday afternoons in Room 209 of the Biology Building. More information on the club can be found at their website.