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Recently Published Research by Biology Faculty

The Faculty in the TCNJ Biology Department are accomplished Teacher-Scholars, who not only teach in our classrooms and labs, but are also engaged in research, most often with student collaborators, which is then published in scholarly journals, or presented at scholarly meetings and conferences.

Here is a sampling of research publications by our faculty:

Wendy Clement:

Clement, W.L., M. Arakaki, P.W. Sweeney, E.J. Edwards, M.J. Donoghue. 2014. A chloroplast tree for Viburnum (Adoxaceae) and its implications for phylogenetic classification and character evolution. American Journal of Botany. 101(6): 1029-1049.

Spriggs, E.L., W.L. Clement, P.W. Sweeney, S. Madriñan, E.J. Edwards, and M.J. Donoghue. 2015. Temperate radiations and dying embers of a tropical past: the diversification of Viburnum. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.13305.

Wendy L. Clement, Kathleen L. Prudic, and Jeffrey C. Oliver. 16 August 2018, posting date. Exploring how climate will impact plant-insect distributions and interactions using open data and informatics. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 14: Experiment #1 [online].

Gary Dickinson:

Coffey WD, Nardone JA, Yarram A, Long WC, Swiney KM, Foy RJ, and Dickinson GH. 2017. Ocean acidification leads to altered micromechanical properties of the mineralized cuticle in juvenile red and blue king crabs. J. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 495: 1-12.

Figueroa MA, Schablik JD, Mastroberte M, Singh LJ, and Dickinson GH. 2017. The effect of hydrophobic alkyl silane self-assembled monolayers on adult barnacle adhesion. Marine Technology Society (MTS) Journal. 51: 39-48.

Dickinson GH, Yang X, Wu F, Orihuela B, Rittschof D and Beniash E. 2016. Localization of phosphoproteins within the barnacle adhesive interface. Biological Bulletin. 230: 233-242.

Stafslien SJ, Sommer S, Webster DC, Bodkhe R, Pieper R, Daniels J, Wal LV, Callow MC, Callow JA, Ralston E, Swain G, Brewer L, Wendt D, Dickinson GH, Lim CS and Teo SLM. 2016. Comparison of laboratory and field testing performance evaluations of siloxane-polyurethane fouling-release marine coatings. Biofouling. 8: 949-968.

Sokolova IM, Matoo OB, Dickinson GH, and Beniash E. Physiological effects of ocean acidification on animal calcifiers. 2016. In: Stressors in the marine environment: physiological and ecological responses and societal implications, Sloan M and Whiteley N, Eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Lim CS, Dickinson GH, Sommer S, Teo SLM, Bodkhe R, Webster DC and Loo YY. 2015. A small scale waterjet test method for screening novel foul-release coatings J. Coatings Technology & Research. Vol. 15.

Rittschof D, Essock-Burns T, Dickinson GH, Zmina S, and Alberman N. Natural glues and fouling management by interfering with glue curing. 2015. SQU Journal of Agriculture and Marine Sciences. 19:34-39.

Dickinson GH, Matoo OB, Tourek RT, Sokolova IM, and Beniash E. 2013. Environmental salinity modulates the effects of elevated CO2 levels on juvenile hard shell clams, Mercenaria mercenaria. J. Experimental Biology. 216: 2607-2618.

Ivanina AV, Dickinson GH, Matoo OB, Bagwe R, Dickinson A, Beniash E, and Sokolova IM. 2013. Interactive effects of elevated temperature and CO2 levels on energy metabolism and biomineralization of marine bivalves Crassostrea virginica and Mercenaria mercenaria. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology, Part A. 166: 101-111.

Timmins-Schiffman E, Coffey WD*, Hua W*, Nunn BL, Dickinson GH* and Roberts SB. Shotgun proteomics reveals physiological response to ocean acidification in Crassostrea gigas. BMC Genomics. 15:951.

(*TCNJ authors)

Curt Elderkin:

Inoue K., E.M. Monroe, C.L. Elderkin, and D.J. Berg. 2014. Phylogeographic and population genetic analyses reveal Pleistocene isolation followed by high gene flow in a wide ranging, but endangered, freshwater mussel. Heredity 112, 282–290

Zachariah Grochau-Wright:

Zachariah I. Grochau-Wright, Patrick J.Ferris, John Tumberger, BereniceJiménez-Marin-Bradley, J.S.C.Olson, Richard E.Michod (2021). Characterization and Transformation of reg Cluster Genes in Volvox powersii Enable Investigation of Convergent Evolution of Cellular Differentiation in Volvox

Tracy Kress:

Lauren T. Neves, Stephen Douglass, Roberto Spreafico, Srivats Venkataramanan, Tracy L. Kress and Tracy L. Johnson (2017). The Histone Variant H2A.Z promotes efficient cotranscriptional splicing in S. cerevisiae. Genes and Development, Apr 1; 31(7):702-717. doi: 10.1101/gad.295188.116

Matthew R. Sorenson, Deepak K. Jha, Stefanie A. Ucles, Danielle M. Flood, Brian D. Strahl, Scott W. Stevens * and Tracy L. Kress* (2016). Histone H3K36 methylation regulates pre-mRNA splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA Biology, Apr 2; 13(4):412-26. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2016.1144009. * co-corresponding authors

Erica A. Moehle1[, Colm Ryan2,3, Nevan J. Krogan2,4, Tracy L. Kress5[*, and Christine Guthrie1* (2012). The Yeast SR Protein Npl3 Links Histone H2B Ubiquitination to pre-mRNA Splicing. PLoS Genetics Nov;8(11):e1003101.

Donald Lovett:

Arnaldo, F.B., S.A. Owens, P. Konkalmatt, V.A.M. Villar, L.D. Asico, D.L. Lovett, I. Armando, P. A. Jose, and G.P. Concepcion. 2014. D1-like dopamine receptors down-regulate Na+,K+-ATPase activity and increase cAMP production in the posterior gills of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Am. J. Physiol.—Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 307:(in press).

Sudhir Nayak:

Mubiru JN, Yang AS, Olsen C, Nayak S, Livi CB, Dick EJ Jr, Owston M, Garcia-Forey M, Shade RE, Rogers J. Analysis of prostate-specific antigen transcripts in chimpanzees, cynomolgus monkeys, baboons, and African green monkeys. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 14;9(4):e94522.

Amanda Norvell:

Thompson L, Randolph K, and Norvell, A. Basic Techniques in Drosophila Ovary Preparation. Bratu DP and McNeil GP (eds), Drosophila Oogenesis: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1328, DOI 10. 1007/978-1-4939-2851-4_2. Springer Science+Business Media/Humana Press, New York (2015).

Marcia O’Connell:

O’Connell, M.L., Cavallo, W.C. Jr., and Firnberg, M. (2014) The Expression of CPEB Proteins is Sequentially Regulated During Zebrafish Oogenesis and Embryogenesis. Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol. 8:376-387

Keith Pecor:

Pecor, K.W. 2021. A herpetologist who studies arthropods. Pages 236-243 in Letters from Michigan Herpetology, G. Schneider and L. Trueb, eds. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Ann Arbor, MI.

Rubenstein, S., Grew, E., Clouser, K., Kwok, A., Veerapandiyan, A., Kornitzer, J., Pecor, K., and Ming, X. 2021. COVID-19 in pediatric inpatients: A multi-center observational study of factors associated with negative short-term outcomes. Children 8:951.

Kornitzer, J., Johnson, J., Yang, M., Pecor, K.W., Cohen, N., Jiang, C., and Ming, X. 2021. A systematic review of characteristics associated with COVID-19 in children with typical presentation and with multisystem inflammatory syndrome. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18:8269.

Pecor, K.W., Barbayannis, G., Yang, M., Johnson, J., Materasso, S., Borda, M., Garcia, D., Garla, V., and Ming, X. 2021. Quality of life changes during the COVID-19 pandemic for caregivers of children with ADHD and/or ASD. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18:3667.

Howard Reinert:

Bushar LM, Aborde CCM, Gao S, Gonzalez MV, Hoffman JA, Massaro IK, Savitzky AH, and Reinert HK. Genetic structure of timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) populations: Physiographic influences and conservation implications. Copeia 2014, No 4, 694-706.

Matt Wund:

Schlichting, C. D., & Wund, M. A. (2014). Phenotypic plasticity and epigenetic marking: an assessment of evidence for genetic accommodation. Evolution, 68(3), 656-672.Pecor, K., E. Lake and M. Wund. In press. Optimal foraging by birds: feeder-based experiments for secondary and post-secondary students. American Biology Teacher.


Dr. Wund’s research has been highlighted in recent articles in both New Scientist magazine and Nature (Standen-2014), exploring how phenotypic plasticity may have played a central role in the evolutionary transition from aquatic to terrestrial living in vertebrates, citing Dr. Wund’s work as an important influence.


David Wynne:

Wynne DJ & Funabiki H. Journal of Cell Biology. 2015 Sept 7. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201506020.
