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Erickson lab students take top honors at research symposium

Five independent research students in biology accompanied their mentor Dr. Jeffery Erickson to the 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on Saturday October 26. Four of them presented their research posters, and three were recognized at the awards ceremony at the end of the day, taking two “first place” awards and one “second place.” The nearly 200 students in attendance were assigned to different sessions, and judged by faculty in attendance. The top two posters in each session were recognized.

Robert Myers received a First Place award for the presentation of his research entitled: “Breathing in a dish: Recording central respiratory rhythm form the isolated brainstem-spinal cord of the neonatal Pet-1 knockout mouse”

Renuka Reddy also received a First Place award for the presentation of her research entitled: “The cardiac connection: Exploring the effects of prenatal nicotine on cardiorespiratory control and neonatal mortality in the 5-HT deficient Pet-1 knockout mouse.”

Jessica Nardone received a Second Place award for the presentation of her research entitled: “Does prenatal nicotine exposure alter the 5-HT neuron development in the Pet-1 knockout mouse? An unbiased stereological approach.”

Congratulations to all, and keep up the good work!

Erickson lab awards 10-13

Proud researchers: from left, Robert Myers, Renuka Reddy, Jessica Nardone, and Dr. Erickson

