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Four Biology Majors Strike Gold(water)!

Four Biology majors have been honored by the 2014 Goldwater Scholars Awards Committee.  Biology majors Syndi Barish and Andrew Goldfarb have been selected as Goldwater Scholars for 2014, and Biology majors Daniel Chawla and Dylan McClung were selected for honorable mention in this year’s national competition. This may be the first time that TCNJ has had four students honored in this way in a single year.

Goldwater Scholars are chosen as a result of a highly selective national competition which honors exceptional undergraduate students who plan to pursue graduate degrees in the STEM fields and careers in research. The award is a prestigious one, and the acknowledgment of our students as scholars and honorable mentions is significant.

Our heartiest congratulations go to Syndi and her mentor Professor Wendy Clement; to Andrew and his mentor Professor Donald Lovett; to Daniel and his mentor professor Nina Peel; and to Dylan and his mentor Professor KT Elliott.
