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Author Archives: Keith Pecor

Inclusivity: Statement of Support and Action


We, the Biology faculty and staff at The College of New Jersey, condemn racism, value all members of our community, and are committed to building a Department in which students and colleagues feel valued, feel safe, and have the resources, opportunities, and support to flourish. Science and society benefit from the free, open, and equal exchange of ideas amongst diverse peoples, and we are committed to building spaces that facilitate such dialogue.  We believe that science should be for all people. We know that it can be, but we must do the hard work that leads us closer to this ideal. As educators and scientists, we are committed to:

  • Identifying and using opportunities to directly confront issues of race and racism in our courses, including historic and contemporary examples.
  • Working to mitigate unconscious bias and institute teaching practices that draw from diverse cultural strengths.
  • Partnering with others, including ongoing efforts by our students, to engage in science education outreach in our local community.
  • Representing diverse and underrepresented groups, including underrepresented scientists,when selecting course readings, teaching examples, and recruiting seminar speakers.
  • Informing ourselves and our students about professional organizations, professional development opportunities, and scholarship opportunities that promote diversity in STEM.
  • Listening, heeding, and amplifying the voices of our students, colleagues, and others from underrepresented groups in science.
  • Working to recruit faculty and staff members of color when employment searches are conducted.